网络音乐审美现状的成因探究 袁茜
网络音乐有偿下载模式及其国内建设 盛利
探索与创新――北京国际电子音乐节的“中国模式”与理念追求 王鹤霏
音乐频谱分析与频谱分析软件 冯勇
从《左传》“赋诗”、“歌诗”看春秋时期的音乐传播 傅晓杉
豫剧唱腔传播变迁中的社会文化互动 陈文革
抗日战争时期的电影合唱文本及其传播功能 李小莹
儿童电视广告中音乐传播的符号学分析 傅根清 余佳维
美国校园歌舞片的传统与变奏 陆嘉宁
电影音乐视觉延展性研究――《山楂树之恋》电影配乐受众谈 王欣
音乐“可视性”分析的几个层面――以动画影片《幻想曲1940》为例 曹军军 兰子君
好莱坞作曲家霍华德・肖的电影音乐分析 徐岳
制约歌剧歌唱清晰度的多种因素 [法]妮可・斯考托・迪・卡萝 / 屈歌编译
和歌刊结伴同行40年 杨瑞庆
中国音乐网络论坛的传播模式及特点 陈�
三网融合时代的数字音乐营销前景 杨伟民
Value Orientation and Social Responsibility: An Exclusive Interview with the President of the Institute of Art Studies of Communication University of China Zhong Chengxiang after the Study on the Important Speech by General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping on the National Conference of Propaganda and Ideological Work【Editorial Department of Music Communication】
The Scientific Positioning of Music Editing【Zeng Suijin】
The Column Classifying in the Score Dissemination of Chinese Music Periodicals and Its Social Function【Wei Jie】
A Study on the Causes of Aesthetic Present State of Online Music 【Yuan Qian】
Paid Downloading Mode of Online Music and Its Construction in China【Sheng Li】
The Path of Exploration and Innovation: The “Chinese Mode” and the Concept of Beijing International Electronic Music Festival 【Wang Hefei】
Musical Spectrum Analysis and Spectrum Analysis Softwares【Feng Yong】
An Investigation of Music Communication in the Spring and Autumn Period through “Fushi” and “Geshi” in Zuo Zhuan 【Fu Xiaoshan】
Social Cultural Interaction in Henan Opera Tunes’ Dissemination and Changes 【Chen Wenge】
Thinking on the Development of Contemporary Community Music Culture 【He Mingming; Zhang Wei】
An Observation of the Infringement Phenomenon in Music Communication Activities 【Zou Yuting】
The Text of Chorus in Movies and Its Communication Function during the Anti-Japanese War 【Li Xiaoying】
An Analysis on Music Communication in TV Advertisements for Children under the Perspective of Semiotics 【Fu Genqing; Yu Jiawei】
The Tradition and Variation of Campus Musical Films of the US 【Lu Jianing】
A Study on Visual Extensibility of Film Music: A Discussion on Film Music of “Shanzhashu zhi Lian”(Under the Hawthorn Tree) from the Audience’s Perspective【Wang Xin】
Levels of the Analysis on “Visualization” of Music: Taking the Cartoon Movie Fantasia(1940)as an Example 【Cao Junjun; Lan Zijun】
A Research of the Film Music by Hollywood Composer Howard Shore 【Xu Yue】
Dissemination Practice of Orff Tone Bar Instruments in Chinese Schools’ Music Education 【Li Dandan】
Forty Years in the Company of Journals of Songs 【Yang Ruiqing】
The Dissemination Mode and Features of Music Forums on the Internet in China 【Chen Yue】
The Marketing Prospect of Digital Music in a Tri-networks Integration Age【Yang Weimin】