
委会主任:陈文申 廖祥忠
段 鹏 刘延平 刘守训 李新军 曾遂今

王建元 叶松荣 田可文 伍国栋 伍建阳 庄 元 刘永平 刘延平 刘守训 苏志武 李兴国 李怀亮 李俊梅 李新军 杨民康 宋 瑾 张 晶 张小夫 张伯瑜 张金尧 陈建华 陈荃有 苗 棣 金兆钧 周 涌 周月亮 周华斌 周靖波 居其宏 赵志扬 赵塔里木   胡正荣 胡智锋 段 鹏 施旭升 秦 序 袁 军 贾达群 徐昌俊 徐敦广 高福安 郭建民 彭文祥 韩宝强 韩钟恩 曾田力 曾原纪 曾遂今 谢大京 谢嘉幸 路应昆 蔡 翔 廖祥忠 薛艺兵 戴嘉枋


主 编:曾遂今
副主编:韩宝强 秦 序
编 辑:韦 杰 魏晓凡

冯 亚 王 ?? 佟雪娜 张 谦 赵志安 邵 萱 袁 昱 殷玉环 蒋 劼 赵志奇 袁 茜 董 珍 张鹏飞


  • 本刊特稿

    “加强美育工作,很有必要”―― 学习《习近平给中央美术学院老教授的回信》笔记 仲呈祥
















    音乐神童加工厂 (华东师范大学出版社)

    彩 页


    Main Contents

    Learning Notes on Xi Jinping’s Reply to Senior Professors of Central Academy of Fine Arts【Zhong Chengxiang】
    The Creation,Publication and Dissemination of Anti-Japanese Songs from 1931 to 1945 【Chen Jie】
    The Historical Charm of the Song Columns of Jiangsu Music :Research on the Classification ofMusic Score Columns in the Second Publishing Stage of Jiangsu Music Periodical【Zeng Suijin;Feng Ling;Huang Dejun;Yu Junjie】
    The Existence and Protection of“Qingzhou Cuoqin”:Based on the Cultural Heritage Perspective【Zhang Zongjian;Xing Xijiao】
    Investigation Report and Relevant Thinking on“Shenze Zhuizi”Opera in Hebei【Wang Xinhua;Pan Linzi】
    “Twelve Muqam”and Its Value to Regional Economic Development and Social Governance【Nu’ermaimaiti Yimamu】
    “Hami Muqam”Artists and Their Inheritance Status 【Man’erhaba】
    Inheritance and Innovation of Bamboo Flute Music in Contemporary Mass Media:Taking theApplication of Bamboo Flute in“Gufeng Music”as an Example 【Tu Jinmei;Zhou Hangyu】
    Music Production and Its Cultural Features of the Performing Arts Market in the Teahouses inSouthern Song Dynasty 【Qian Hui】
    A Study on the Historical Materials of Ethnic Minority Music in“Guangxi Tongzhi (Jiaqing Edition)”【Ma Zhuozhou】
    The Music of Ancient Chinese Intellectuals and the Development of Music Culture【Zhang Mengrui】
    Communication between Chinese and Foreign Music in Chongqing during the Anti-Japanese War【Hu Xueli;Zhang Qian】
    The Recovery and Growth of China’s Music TV Columns 【Feng Ya】
    Practical Exploration of Interactive Innovation on Musical Variety Show:TakingHunan TV’s Program Come Sing With Me as an Example 【Wu Na】
    The Characteristics of Chinese Film Music in the Context of Globalization 【Su Haiming】
    The Function of Musical Elements in Jia Zhangke’s Films 【Duan Wenying】
    Research on Music Copyright in Network Broadcast 【Zhao Shilan;Zhang Yingzixuan】
    The Development of“Mass Participation”in Music Industry 【Han Feixue】
    Research on Music Performance Market under the Environment of“Internet+” 【Fan Yuxin】
    The Exploration on the Construction Path of Symphony Curriculum in Universities:In the View of General Education 【Ji Ye】
    Commentary on the National Wind Musical Drama Eight Immortals Table 【Ling Chen】
    The Relationship between“String, Finger, Sound and Meaning”in the Book Xi ShanQin Kuang:Taking Erhu as an Example 【Zhang Yajie】
    The Predicament and Countermeasures of Popular Music Communication underthe Background of Webcast 【Sun Yating】
    Operation Mode and Characteristics of Digital Music 【Zhou Nanyu】

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